
The 10 largest cryptocurrencies in the world

The 10 largest cryptocurrencies in the world and see how to make the most of each one.

After all, who doesn’t love having scalable and sustainable incomes?

So, get to know the 10 biggest cryptocurrencies in the world for you to profit more.

Discover the 10 largest Cryptocurrencies in the World

First of all, if you want to learn how to make more money with coins, you are in the right place.

Discover the 10 largest cryptocurrencies - VejaTech
Discover the 10 largest cryptocurrencies

After all, here in this article you will get to know the 10 largest cryptocurrencies in the world, and discover how to invest more safely and accurately. Check out!

What are the 10 largest cryptocurrencies in the world?

Initially, we will address several famous coins, a little of their history, why they are one of the best and if they have any potential for investment, check them out:

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
  2. Ethereum (ETH)
  3. Binance Currency (BNB)
  4. Ripple (XRP)
  5. Dogecoin (DOGE)
  6. Mooring (USDT)
  7. Cardano (ADA)
  8. Polka Dots (DOT)
  9. Litecoin (LTC)
  10. Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

Firstly, we have the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world.

After all, today it has a market capitalization of more than $1 trillion.

That’s because, it was the first cryotocurrency to be created and it already has a large amount of capitalization, much higher than its competitors.

Despite this, there is no news about who created Bitcoin.

After all, all that is known is that it began to circulate in 2009 and has not stopped.

In this sense, with an increasing number of traders, the currency has been breaking more and more records, reaching extraordinary values.

Proof of this is that, in April 2021, the price of 1 BTC reached almost $65.

However, in less than a week later, the coin has plummeted 11% in a single day and hit $55.

It is worth noting that, due to the very high value and volatility, Bitcoin is usually traded in very small fractions, such as the amount of 0,00000001 BTC which is equivalent to 1 “Satoshi”.

2. Ethereum (ETH)

Secondly, we have Ethereum which was created in 2015 and is already the second largest cryptocurrency in global use.


After all, it has a market cap of $250,5 billion, that is, a quarter of the capitalization of Bitcoin.

In this sense, in 12 months, the value of ETH grew by more than 1.180% and reached the record mark of more than US$ 2 thousand in 2021.

The great differential of Ethereum is that it was designed from the beginning to act as an asset in the financial market.

In this way, the user has access to financial instruments on Ethereum such as:

  • loans and
  • payments

3. Binance Currency (BNB)

In addition to the previous ones, we have Binance Coin with a capitalization of $77,5 billion and an approximate value of $505 per unit.

This is because, nowadays, Binance Coin (originating from the words “Binary” and “Finance”) is the currency used on the Binance Exchange.

4. Ripple (XRP) – Discover the 10 largest cryptocurrencies

In 4th place, we have the cryptocurrency Ripple, which has a capitalization of US$ 61,6 billion and a value of US$ 1,36, currently being the cryptocurrency used by the payment platform that bears the same name.

Among her curiosities is that with her you can transfer money in any form, whether in cryptocurrencies or national currencies.

5. Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin was created in 2013 as a cuter competitor to Bitcoin.

That’s because, its symbol is a viral photo of a Shiba Inu dog.

Turns out, the prank itself went viral and attracted the interest of many cryptocurrency users.

Because of this, the community around Dogecoin was created.

The fact is that, nowadays, the cryptocurrency that was born as a joke is among the 10 biggest cryptocurrencies in the world and has an impressive $51,5 billion in market capitalization.

In this regard, in the last 12 months, Dogecoin has accumulated an astronomical gain of almost 12.000%.


However, its value is still one of the lowest at just $0,40.

6. Mooring (USDT)

Contrary to what is seen with Bitcoin and Ethereum, the crypto Tether emerged in 2014 with the proposal to be a “stablecoin”, that is, a cryptocurrency with a relatively stable value.

In this sense, Tether has its value linked to a physical currency, which is the US dollar.

This is an attempt to balance the peculiar volatility of cryptocurrencies.

Today, Tether’s market capitalization is the sixth largest in the world at around $48 billion.

It is also worth noting that, at the beginning of last year, in 2021, the coin reached the third place in the ranking of the 10 largest criptomoedas the world.

7. Cardano (ADA) – Discover the 10 largest cryptocurrencies

In 7th place is Cardano (ADA) which was launched in 2017.

Despite being a relatively high-quality currency that is still trying to stabilize in the market, it already has a market cap of US$ 39 billion and a unit is worth approximately US$ 1,23.

In this sense, the The big difference between Cardano and other currencies is the security of transactions.

After all, the ADA blockchain system is considered more solid than Ethereum and Bitcoin.

See also: All about Cryptocurrencies and how to invest safely

8. Polka Dots (DOT)

Today, with around $33 billion in capitalization, Polkadot is now worth roughly $35.

In this way, like Cardano, Polkadot is a recent system that was created by one of the original Ethereum developers, who after disagreements left the project.

In this sense, Polkadot aims to integrate multiple blockchain systems in simultaneous use.

Thus, DOT emerged so that other cryptocurrencies operate on the same system with different functions.

9. Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin was one of the first “disciples” of Bitcoin. Launched in 2011, the coin now represents $17,8 billion in market capitalization.

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In this way, like Bitcoin, Litecoin transmits and validates transactions through a decentralized network.

 Thus, its main difference lies in the speed of Litecoin in relation to Bitcoin.

10. Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Lastly, we have the well-known cryptocurrency.

After all, launched in 2017, Bitcoin Cash is worth approximately $922 and has a market cap of $17,2 billion.

So, these are some of the top cryptos we think are potential to name, but if you know a little about cryptocurrencies, let us know what you think of our list, if you would include any or remove any.

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