
Measure Blood Pressure by cell Phone – Here’s How!

After all, with just a smartphone and an app you can observe your blood pressure closely.

So, if you want to know how to measure blood pressure on your cell phone, get to know the best apps.

Best apps to Measure Blood Pressure by Cell Phone

First, it is important to say that cell phones are increasingly modern and helping everyone’s health.

In this sense, people who have high blood pressure can count on the help of technology to take care of their health.

In other words, if this is your case, know that we have prepared a list of the best apps to measure blood pressure from your cell phone. Look!

Samsung Helth Monitor – Measure blood pressure by cell phone

First, it is important to know that the measurement is done with a watch.


After all, the Samsung Helth Monitor app works with watches from the following brands:

  • The Galaxy Watch Active 2 and
  • the Galaxy Watch 3

Therefore, the watch takes the pressure measurement and the cell phone displays the data.

That’s because, this app has a very interesting function:

Whenever the pressure is out of average, the contacts saved in the device will be notified immediately.

That is, if you have an elderly person at home, this is a perfect app for you to monitor blood pressure even from a distance.

On the other hand, the application only works on devices that use the Android system.

Download and Installation: Android


SmartBP – Measure Blood Pressure

This app connects to Android mobile as well as iPhone

For measurement, it accepts connection with the devices below:

  • Omron
  • QaridoArm
  • iHealth
  • Withings

Above all, the operation is simple, just install the application on your cell phone

Soon after, connect one of the meters above,

In order for the data to be displayed, the measurements are displayed in graph form.

That’s because, this application allows you to save the monitoring.

Thus, you can export to a spreadsheet whenever you want.

The good news is that, unlike the previous app, this one is available for both systems.

Download and Installation: Android


Download and Installation: iOS (iPhone)

But what exactly is systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

Firstly, the arterial pressures have two measures.

Basically, they occur when the heart contracts and when it relaxes.

In this way, the systolic pressure happens when the heart is in contraction, it has the highest value.

The diastolic pressure occurs when he is relaxing, it is the lowest value.

After all, what is the ideal pressure value?

The ideal blood pressure values ​​are:

  • Systolic: 12
  • diastolic: 9

But remember: this data is just information.

In addition, we recommend that you continue to follow up with a health professional.

Measure blood pressure by cell phone - VejaTech

Avoid apps that measure blood pressure without devices

If you need to measure your blood pressure, know that you need to be careful.

After all, the most reliable are those that have devices such as watches from good traditional brands.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of this when choosing applications and devices.

See also: How to measure diabetes by cell phone free

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