
Learn how to identify hidden camera

Learn how to identify hidden camera in a simple, easy and practical way? Here we will tell you the way to remove doubt and protect yourself.

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After all, how to identify hidden camera?

First of all, it should be noted that with advances in technology, hidden camera detection has become a growing concern for many people.


Fortunately, modern smartphones have features that can be leveraged to identify spying devices such as hidden cameras.

In this article, we will explore two simple and effective approaches to detect hidden cameras using your mobile phone camera and scanning devices connected to the local network. Look!

Using your smartphone’s camera

The latest smartphones are equipped with advanced cameras that have motion detection and night vision technology. Taking advantage of these resources, it is possible to detect the presence of infrared devices that are not visible to the naked eye.


To do this, just use your smartphone’s front camera as follows:

  1. Open the camera app on your smartphone;
  2. Turn the camera towards yourself so that you can see the device’s display;
  3. Look for any flashing red lights on the display;
  4. If you observe a flashing red light, it is an indication that there may be a hidden camera in the environment.

This simple approach allows you to use your own smartphone as an effective hidden camera detection tool.

Learn how to identify hidden camera
Learn how to identify hidden camera

Scanning devices connected to the local network

In addition to the cell phone camera method, another way to identify hidden cameras is to check which devices are connected to the same local network as you.

This is particularly useful when it is suspected that hidden cameras are being monitored remotely.

To perform this check, you can use the Fling app, available for Android and iOS.


Follow the steps below:

  1. Download and install the Fling app on your smartphone;
  2. Open the app and allow it to access your Wi-Fi network;
  3. Fling will scan and list all devices connected to the same network;
  4. Review the list and check for any unknown or suspicious devices like hidden cameras.

The Fling app makes it easy to identify devices connected to the local network, including potential hidden cameras, providing greater peace of mind and security.

Thanks to the technological advances of modern smartphones, you can use your cell phone’s camera and scan devices connected to the local network to identify possible hidden cameras.

So, take advantage of these simple and effective approaches to ensure your privacy and security in different environments.

However, be careful to respect local laws when performing any security checks.

See too: Apps that help with fishing

So, now that you know how to identify a hidden camera in a simple, easy and practical way, just follow these tips and enjoy!

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