
Radar detecting apps

Did you happen to go fast on a road and don’t know if there’s a radar? Learn how to use radar detecting apps to avoid surprises.

You know those moments when you need to get somewhere fast, and you end up exceeding the speed limits a little, or when you’re somewhere different and you don’t know very well which roads have radars and which speed limit is required? Well, learn how to use applications that detect radar, to avoid surprises.

However, it is important to emphasize the need for radars on the roads! Since, they aim at the safety of drivers when riding within the required limits, so don’t forget about safety!


But we know that in some cases, we feel the need to go faster, such as: a medical emergency, some serious problem to be solved, a hurry not to miss the flight and the like, but we must always drive with conscience and be attentive, not only risking the life of the driver, but also of everyone on the road.

Radar detecting apps
Radar detecting apps

For this reason, we have listed some reliable and very useful applications so that you can detect if there is a radar on the road, even so that you are not surprised when you see one and try to brake sharply and thus cause an accident, check it out!

List of apps that detect radar

Social drive

Initially, this application consists of a tool, as if it were a social network for drivers only. Where, vehicle drivers exchange information about the roads they access daily, including the presence of speed cameras.

That is, it is an application of partner drivers, who understand each other’s needs, it is very popular and used.


Download available: Android | iOS


This is the most popular geolocation and maps application on the web, it is also an excellent tool for detecting radars, such as “obstacles” on the road and among other alerts. In addition to being highly recommended, it is one of the most used among drivers.

Download available: Android | iOS


Radardroid is also one of the most recommended applications that detect radar and will issue audible and visual warnings when approaching a fixed or mobile radar.

Even if you’re listening to music, it cuts down the sound instantly and warns you that the radar is close, and then continues to play your music normally. It is also one of the most recommended radar detection apps.


Download available: Android

Tomtom friend

This is an excellent app that helps you identify speed cameras on the road. It works as a true companion for the driver so as not to be taken by surprise by the radars on the roads.

In addition, it relies on the collaboration of its users who issue updates on the presence of mobile radars and any important information on the road. And no ads!

Download available: Android | iOS

See too: Listen to music on your cell phone – without spending


Finally, Coyote, which also has updates from the users themselves regarding the situation on the roads and the presence of radars.

In addition, the app sends signals to let drivers know what awaits them.

Download available: Android | iOS

We hope this article has helped you with what you are looking for, and to discover more interesting apps like these.

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