
New and Promising NFT Games

New and promising NFT games is what you will find here in this article.

After all, this is one of the most interesting ways to make good money.

So check out the new and promising NFT games on the market now.

New and Promising NFT Games 

Check now the list of the most promising NFT games on the market today. Look!



Firstly we have CryptoPlanes.

After all, in the same virtual universe (Metaverse) as CryptoCars, the CryptoPlanes is a new NFT game that was released on the market recently, and it has planes as tokens.

New and Promising NFT Games  - VejaTech

That way, the gameplay has 4 stat points basically:

  • velocity,
  • power,
  • air and
  • fuel.

In that sense, the objective of the game is to get into fights to earn experience points and the game tokens.

In addition, it is worth noting that the currency of exchange is the CPAN.


On the other hand, it is worth noting that to date, more than 26,3 million transactions have been made within CryptoPlanes, between players, which already exceed 255 thousand, according to the game’s website.

So, with CryptoPlanes (and CryptoCars), you can either earn money by selling NFTs in-game to other players or get paid with the coins involved.

Thetan Arena: free-to-play

Then we have the game Thetan Arena, from which you get free heroes to progress in the game and earn cryptos. – Reproduction.

In this sense, Thetan Arena is a new NFT Game, which was released in 2021 and brings the traditional battle royale.

However, it also has the classic MOBA (“Multiplayer Online Battle Arena”) model.

In this sense, the e-sport game has a mobile version and the player receives, buys and/or sells collectibles (the NFTs) and invoices with these types of transactions.

In addition, it is worth noting that, even without “investment”, you can also win with this game.

To do this, just unlock more free characters at first and fight them to receive the much-desired tokens, Thetan Coins ($THC) that can be sold directly in the in-game store or used to purchase paid characters.

After all, those that can be sold or rented to other players for real money.


On the other hand, check out the differences between free and paid heroes now:

  • free hero offer less opportunities to earn tokens compared to premium hero;
  • You cannot buy, sell or trade a free hero;
  • Free Hero cannot participate in special events;
  • The free hero cannot evolve into the Thetan hero;
  • Free Hero cannot be traded on the market.

 Bomb Crypto

Then we have the game O Bomb Crypto that based on the classic Bomberman.

However, at the same time it offers players the NFT experience, it still involves the cryptocurrency called BCOIN, an acronym for BombCrypto Token, the main currency of the game.

Thus, players are placed in a maze similar to the classic Bomberman game.

In this way, through characters, players must destroy stone blocks to get rewards.

See also: NFT Games You Should Know: How to Get Paid for the Game

That’s because it’s like mining, remembering that mechanism of the Bitcoin and from Minecraft.


Finally, we have another promising game that is Workertown.

After all, he is a pixelated NFT game still in development in which players will build cities and manage characters, the Workers.

In this sense, when you create an account on WorkerTown, you receive a free house with space (slots) for two beds where 2 Workers will rest after a working day.

After all, in gameplay your characters will need to recharge.

Thus, in this game it will be possible to receive money both with the sale of characters and houses in the future virtual store and with cryptocurrency.

Now that you know exactly which are the most promising NFT games for 2022, just choose your favorite and start having fun and making money with them. Via the App Store or Google Play you can download many NFTs games.

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