
NFT Games You Should Know: How to Get Paid for the Game

NFT games you should know: how to get paid for the game and earn extra money.

After all, with the advancement of technology there are more and more possibilities to make money.

NFT games you should know - VejaTech

So, here’s everything you need to know about NFT games.

Top NFT games you should know

First of all, it is good to remember that with the advancement of technology there are more and more different and new ways to earn money.

So, if you want to know what they are, the newest on the market are NFT games.


So if you’ve never heard of this type of game, you’re in the right place.

That’s because here in this article we are going to tell you what NFTs are and how you can start making money with them.

So check it out!

What is NFT?

First of all, it is important to know that NFT is an acronym for the English term “Non-Fungible Token”, which in Portuguese means ‘non-fungible token’ and is a type of asset classified by the economy as one that cannot be substituted.

So, if you have an asset (such as a custom character within a game or even a meme) that is registered as NFT, it receives a digital certificate.

In this way, from that moment on, it becomes unique in the world and, in this way, it may even have value in the market.

In this sense, the non-fungible asset is one that cannot be exchanged, because it is in fact unique and there is no other in the world.

Thus, with the internet and the advancement of digitalization of things, there are several assets that are being marketed with the prerogative of exclusivity.

That’s because, like website domains and PRO features sold in online games, such as custom clothing and weapons, you can make money using your creativity through NFTs games.

It is worth noting that, here in Brazil, the NFTs Games have been making the rounds on the internet since July, as well asthe rest of the world.

In this sense, the term “NFT Games” peaked in Google searches between December 12th and 18th. – Reproduction: Google Trends.


What are NFT Games?

So, if you want to know what NFTs games are, know that they are nothing but games that use technology and encryption to run the game or part of the game, such as characters and weapons, in this product landscape unique fingerprints.

After all, this allows new types of games to be launched on the market, thus allowing various forms of income generation with NFT games.

How do NFT Games work?

Basically, NFTs – and NFT games – use cryptography technology called blockchain, the same one used for bitcoin trading.

In this way, when registering (or winning) an NFT asset, the owner of the collectible receives a code and only that registered product can be sold to other people on the same technological platform, which prevents piracy.

However, there are still two types of NFT games on the market and understanding them is critical to figuring out how to make money in this business. Are they:

  1. Play-To-Earn model: something like “play to win” in translation;
  2. NFT In-Game Model: where the player receives non-fungible tokens, collectible items, as the game progresses.

How to make money with NFT games?

Basically, nowadays there are two ways to make money from NFT games:

  • earned during play-to-earn games and
  • trading custom assets and collectibles in games that allow this.

This is because play-to-earn games work in the open economy scenario, which allows players to be remunerated in the form of cash or other currency.

On the other hand, in the case of NFT In-Games, instead of the player earning something (such as cryptocurrencies), he can sell items leveled in the game such as:

  • characters,
  • houses,
  • weapons and
  • others, for interested players.

In this sense, if you want to enter the world of NFT games, in addition to studying cryptocurrencies, you also need to stay on top of the chosen game engine.

Now the NFT games you should know

In this sense, it is important to study about cryptocurrencies.

After all, everything that involves this world of digital games allows you to earn extra money.

That’s because, it is by studying the market that you will be able to earn more and more money with NFTs Games.

So here’s a list of promising XX NFT Games you need to know about:

1.Axie Infinity

First of all, in terms of NFTs at the moment this is certainly the biggest.

After all, the NFT Axie Infinity is the most popular game in the category.


In this sense, with round and colorful little bixinhos, the game offers blockchain technology that remunerates players and was launched in 2018, and already has more than two million players.

So, to start playing Axie Infinity, you need to buy 3 Axies, and this is where the magic of NFT happens.

After all, you can buy Axies from other players who are selling them through yours for game virtual store or you can still choose to buy Bixinho eggs.

Thus, each Axie is unique and has an ERC 20 token, called the Small Love Potion (SLP) in the game.

That way, the more you play, the more you earn SLP cryptocurrency so you can create more Axies.

So, through the Ethereum blockchain, there is yet another token in the game.

After all, Axie Infinity Shards (AXS), an ERC-20 governance token, created for the Axie Universe and given to players when they stake the tokens, play and advance in the game, and participate in events.

Also according to the game, you can also get eggs through breeding.

It is also worth mentioning that, with the popularization of the game, the currency appreciated in the market and this is good for those who were already in it.

However, now the investment to get started is considerable.

That’s because, the lowest priced Axie on Marketplace cost US$ 68 (almost 390 reais).

2. CryptoKitties

Finally, for you who like cats and want to make money with games, this is one of the best.

After all, with him you can buy, sell, collect and breed various types of kittens online.

It is worth noting that, since its launch in 2017, the game clarifies that CryptoKitties are adorable creatures, whose appearance is like dressed up kittens, playable and collectible.

Thus, each cat is unique and belongs 100% to its owner.

In this way, they can never be replicated, withdrawn or destroyed.

After all, they are NFTs.

That’s because the game is based on the digital currency Ether (ETH), which powers the Ethereum network.

Thus, to enter CryptoKitties, the user needs to do the currency conversion through a cryptocurrency company.

Did you see how simple and practical it is to start making money online with NFTs?

See also: 

Now that you know, just be careful not to let any opportunity pass you by.

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