
Apps for first-time moms

If there is a magical moment in any woman’s life, it is pregnancy. So, to help you in this magical moment, learn about apps for first-time moms.

In fact, one thing that a first-time mother loves to do is to follow everything about the evolution of her pregnancy from the beginning.

In this sense, technology has come to facilitate and help future mothers in this new phase of life.

If you are at this beautiful stage in any woman’s life, get to know the best gestational monitoring apps.


Apps for first-time moms

As mentioned earlier, the moment of pregnancy is rich in information and discoveries.

So many changes in a short space of time can generate doubts and insecurities in any woman, which is absolutely normal but can be overcome with the use of technology.

So, get to know the best apps to help you at this stage.

Apps for first-time moms. - VejaTech

1-WeMoms – Mother Advice: Pregnancy, Motherhood

This app is currently a kind of social network. After all, through it it is possible to meet other women who are in the same phase as you, such as:

  • mothers,
  • pregnant women,
  • women who are going through a phase that resembles you.

That is, in addition to having a series of information within the app, it is still possible to vent and ask questions about your pregnancy with other women who have also been through all this and can help you.


All you need to do is choose the subject niche you prefer as soon as you register.

In this way, you will find application questions and answers related to various subjects, you can interact with other mothers by asking questions or adding to your experiences.

After all, it is an open relationship channel, where mothers can ask for help and help each other.

So, if you want to do some research, or interact in a specific group, just click on the magnifying glass icon and search on topics of your choice.

application also keeps you up to date on events in your region related to motherhood and pregnancy for you to stay on top of everything and not miss any detail.

With all the community offered by the app, you will soon realize that you will not be alone on this journey, but that there are other women, other moms who are going through the same thing as you.

Download: Android

Download: IOS

BabyCenter My pregnancy and my baby

It is a app that helps from pregnancy until the baby is born.

In it, moms can follow the baby’s development, week by week, informing each small step of this growth, from the physical and even psychological changes of the mother.


Via babycenter app, it is possible to have relevant information on various topics, such as:

  • of food
  • maternity leave,
  • fetal health care
  • Information on pregnancy care, among other information.

All focused on well-being and a safe discovery process.

app to track pregnancy has an option that usually delights many moms called Belly photo.  

Through it, it is possible to record the growth of the belly, week by week, and generate a series of memories of this beautiful and special moment.

Another feature that moms usually love is the list of names and meanings that can help parents choose their baby’s name.

See too: Measure Blood Pressure by cell Phone – Here’s How!

In addition to these resources, there is also a record of the contraction related to labor, which helps the mother to know if it is time to go to the maternity ward or if it is just a training contraction.

The app is available both for devices that use the Android with ios.

Pregnancy – Sprout

This is an app that is considered relatively simple when compared to the others. However, it is another option for first-time moms.

After all, it also offers, in a very realistic way, the development of the fetus, in addition to providing interesting comments about the change in the Baby’s body at each stage.

Download: Android

Download: IOS

Although apps are a great way to monitor pregnancy, it is important to remember that they do not replace consultation with the obstetrician and prenatal care.

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